01.01 – 31.12
The Krasnaya Gorka
A museum of industrial history
built right where the first Kuzbass coal was discovered
built right where the first Kuzbass coal was discovered
Open daily
10AM – 5.30PM
10AM – 5.30PM
What’s on
Discovering Kuzbass
In 1763, the famous Russian scientist and writer Mikhail Lomonosov predicted that Russia's future wealth and might would be tied to Siberia. And so it was! Discover the industrial history of the region with us! Explore the Kuzbass Coal Basin with the pioneers of Siberia; relive the turbulent years of the Great Revolution with the unfortunate founders of the Kopikuz Corporation; bring the ruined industry back to life with the selfless heroes from the international Autonomous Industrial Colony!
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The Mine
Put your hard hat on and descend underground into the harsh reality of underground mining. With the help of various multimedia, we’ll unravel the mysteries of ancient collieries and hi-tech open pit-mines before your eyes. You will find out about horse drivers, sledge men, lamp boys, and other professions long gone. And you will meet rippers, overmen, surveyors, and other people that lurk in the dark narrow passages of modern coalmines!
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Discovering the Kuznetsk Coal Basin
In 1721, prospector Mikhailo Volkov was peacefully floating down the Tom River when he saw black smoke. The locals told him about a strange red hill that had been struck by lightning and had been burning ever since. And so Kuznetsk coal was discovered. The Red Hill Mine founded there in 1907 triggered the industrial development of the entire region…
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All was quiet in Kuzbass until the Stock Corporation of Kuznetsk Coal Mines was founded in 1912. Its owners invited outstanding scientists, geologists, and engineers, attrackted foreign and Russian funds, and did their best to send the whole region into a happy and wealthy tomorrow. Who would have thought back in 1912 what the future held…
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AIC «Kuzbass»
"Proletarians of the world, unite!" said Carl Marx. And so they did in 1920s in Kuzbass. The unique international experiment was blessed by Lenin himself . It was called Autonomous Industrial Colony Kuzbass and it welcomed hundreds of qualified specialists and industrial workers from all over the world…
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This is where coal was first discovered back in 1721.
The first coal mine was founded in 1907. You can still see its gaping mouth on the steep right bank of the Tom River, near the Red Hill.
The jetty was built in 1915 – 1916 to ship coal downstream.
The cableway was built in 1915 to transport coal from the Central Mine to the chemical plant.
This arched construction is one of the numerous buildings of the chemical plant, but it is, no doubt, the most beautiful one. It was built in 1915 – 1916.
The magnificent stone building that houses the museum was built in 1916 for the director of the local coal mines. It is one of the oldest buildings in the region.
The head office of the Kemerovo mine was built in 1917.
The concrete bath house was built for Kemerovo miners in 1925 – 1926 and had a revolutionary design.
The Dutch architect J. B. Van Loghem built the first comfortable terraced houses for local coalminers in 1926 – 1927. The residents found the design so weird that the comfortable townhouses were immediately nicknamed "sausages", and the name stuck.
These elegant houses were built by the Dutch architect J. B. Van Loghem in 1926 – 1927. They were meant for engineers, or specialists, and their families.
The school of the Kemerovo Mine was built by J. B. Van Loghem in 1926 – 1927 and still remains one-of-a-kind.
The monument commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Kemerovo Mine. It was erected in 1950.
This striking monument was designed by the famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny in 2003.
St. Varvara, or Barbara, is the patron saint of coal miners. The sculptural composition “The Great Martyr Varvara” commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Kemerovo Mine.
The sculpture pays homage to all those horses that spent their entire lives in the dark, and their caretakers. It was put on the territory of the museum in 2008 on the Coal Miner’s Day.
29 October
Музей-заповедник «Красная Горка» приглашает на «Ночь искусств»
4 ноября «Красная Горка» приглашает на программу, посвященную искусству открывать и развивать таланты.
Мероприятие пройдет в рамках международной акции «Ночь искусств» и начнется в 18.00 часов с презентации новой книги Владимира Сухацкого «Кемерово исторический и туристический.
24 October
В музее-заповеднике «Красная Горка» студентов наградили стипендиями фонда «Шахтерская память» имени В.П. Романова
23 октября 2018 года в музее-заповеднике «Красная Горка» студентов-отличников Кузбасского технического университета им. Т.Ф. Горбачева, Прокопьевского и Кемеровского горнотехнических техникумов наградили именными стипендиями Кемеровского областного общественного фонда «Шахтёрская память» имени В. Романова.
21 October
Музей-заповедник «Красная Горка запускает новый проект «Кемерово. Трансформация»
К 300-летию образования Кузбасса музей-заповедник «Красная Горка» и кемеровский Театр для детей и молодежи подготовили автобусную экскурсию «Кемерово. Трансформация». Мероприятие приурочено к ежегодной Всероссийской акции «Ночь искусств», которая в этом году проходит под слоганом «Искусство объединяет».
Get in touch
We are located a 10-minute drive from the city centre!
17, Krasnaya Gorka Street (Rudnichny Disctrict), 650044, Kemerovo, Russia
17, Krasnaya Gorka Street (Rudnichny Disctrict), 650044, Kemerovo, Russia
By public transport
You can take bus route No.51а, 54, 56, 58, 67 or shuttle van No.11, 26, 28, 61 to get to the bus stop Ulitsa Rutgersa (Rutgers Street).
You may also take tram line
No.3 or 10 that will take you to a very picturesque tram stop called Naberezhnaya (Embankment).
The Mine
Discovering Kuzbass
Open-air area
The site was developed within the project "Museum Made by the Comintern" that won the 2017 Museum Guide Grant of V. Potanin’s Charitable Foundation in the nomination "The Amazing Museums of Russia".